Hello and welcome to the Smart Woman Securities Personal Invest Program at NYU, we are so excited to be connecting with you virtually on Bridgespace! We’re very excited to have you guys here and are looking forward to these sessions. What we’re going to be doing today is basically introducing myself, going into the purpose of our program as well as covering some initial investing basics before we get into other topics we’re going to be covering.
Why the program was started
This program was started because we realized there was a very large wealth gap between women and men, women own 32 cents of every dollar a man owns, so not just earns as in income and salary but owns in terms of assets, and for women of color, particularly black and hispanic women, it’s about 20 cents of every dollar. So a large reason this exists is because we haven’t invested as much! Historically, women have been kept from investing and once it became legal, there weren’t programs and educational tools to help women transition into that space, and as a result, women traditionally saw investing as being too risky to get into. So we want to help change that and show you guys what you can invest in, especially when you start working. So Sallie Krawcheck who is the CEO of Ellevest, a women-focused investing app, is a huge proponent of getting women to invest early on to build wealth, focusing on the long-term.
About New York University Smart Woman Securities
SWS is a national non-profit educating women in undergrad on finance and investment concepts through seminars, mentorships, and networking opportunities. SWS is working to create a new, diverse generation of women in finance.